Upcoming events.
Healed by Food
How one man's incredible health journey sparked a mission to produce the world's most nutrient-dense plant-based food
Kitchen Remedies
Learn how to transform everyday foods in your kitchen into powerful home remedies
Man’s Greatest Need, Woman’s Deepest Desire
Take your marriage and relationship to the next level at our next Love Is Medicine event!
How I lost 85lbs on a plant-based diet
Hear an inspiring story of how one pastor lost 85lbs going on a plant-based diet and the latest science on why it worked
Free Speech and Adventists
What every Adventists needs to know about free speech, censorship and cancel culture in the era of Covid and Big Tech.
Trust the science
During Covid, we're being told we must follow the science and health experts. But what exactly is science? Can we really trust the experts? How should Adventists relate to science and experts during this pandemic?
Should I Get It?
Covid-19 vaccines are here. But many are wondering whether they should get it.
This webinar goes beyond the headlines to help you make an informed decision about the vaccine by looking at the actual published studies on the Covid vaccine. You'll learn what the actual study says about the vaccine's components, safety and effectiveness, and what role a healthy lifestyle might play in vaccine conversation.
What if I don’t get it?
Do we need to get the Covid vaccines? If we don’t, what does it mean for the health, freedoms and personal lives of Adventists? Join an Adventist lifestyle medicine doctor and lawyers as they explore these critical issues.
Should I Get It?
Should Adventists get the new Pfizer COVID vaccine?
Two Adventist doctors review the published scientific studies and offer suggestions on how Adventists can think through the vaccine.
When Should I Eat?
Learn the science behind fasting, meal timing and time-restricted feeding, and hear real-life clinical examples of their powerful health effects.
Exercise, Immunity and COVID
Explore the impact of COVID-19 on physical activity in Canada, the importance of physical activity on immunity and practical tips on how you and our kids can stay active during this pandemic.
Optimize your blood
Having healthy blood characteristics and healthy blood flow is critical to health. Yet this essential topic is rarely discussed. Lifestyle factors have a significant impact on your blood. In this webinar, Dr David DeRose MPH MD discusses the scientific evidence supporting lifestyle factors that can help individuals have healthy blood.
Hemorheology and Lifestyle Medicine
This class introduces students to hemorheology (the study of blood flow and blood properties), and the influencing lifestyle factors.
David DeRose, MD, MPH, President of CompassHealth Consulting, Inc, Preventive and Internal Medicine Physician, Radio host
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Using Food as Medicine
Adventist doctor and nutritionist share inspiring stories of people getting off meds and reversing chronic diseases using plant-based diets
Answering common objections to the health message
Is the health message a salvational issue? Why should we be vegetarian if the bible says it is permissible to eat meat? Isn’t the health message legalistic? In this session, Don Macktintosh (Weimar institute) and Vicki Griffin answer these and other common objections that arise against the health message.
Don Mackintosh RN MDiV
Weimar Institute
Vicki Griffin MS, MPA
Health Ministries Director, Michigan Conference
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Woman’s True Desire
Join Daniel Starenkyj, international speaker, author and philosopher as she explores what a woman truly desires in her heart, the key to her happiness in marriage and relationships.
Pastors vs Doctors
Ellen White wrote that “when the gospel ministers and the medical missionary workers are not united, there is placed on our churches the worst evil that can be placed there.” (Manuscript 46, 1904). She is clear that ministers and medical missionaries should work in harmony, but this is not the case in many cases. This class will look at Adventist history; specifically at the power struggles between Dr John Harvey Kellogg MD and the General Conference, to learn lessons of how the ministers and medical missionaries of today can co-operate harmoniously to fulfill the gospel commission.
David Fiedler, Author, Historian and Teacher
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Love is Medicine: Moai
Learn what the world's longest living people tell us about why family and friends matter for living to a healthy 100.
Dr George Cho, ND MFSc CEP, Clinic Director, Pathways Lifestyle Medicine Clinic