Inspiring the next generation of visionary health ministry leaders

The Internship program



Inspire lay members to become visionary health ministry leaders


The 4-month medical missionary intern will receive in-class didactic learning as well as engage in practical, cutting-edge health evangelism activities.


  • over 17 years of age

  • graduated highschool

  • member of the Seventh-day Adventist church in good-standing



Overview of the didactive component of the internship



Overview of lecturers and instructors



Health evangelism activities interns will engage in


Internship opportunities

Internship roles with various health evangelism organizations

Tuition: $2500

If Room and Board is required, the Institute will help find housing for Interns.
Budge approximately $500/month for room and board.

Apply for next session


January - April 2021

Newmarket, ON

Apply Now